Why do women visit the urologist?
- The Involuntary urine output due to loss of bladder control caused by daily activities such as consuming certain foods, medications, or conditions like pregnancy.
- Loss of anatomical balance of the pelvic organs due to weakness, distention, or injury. One of the symptoms to recognize the structures’ descent is to feel a bulge that comes out of the vagina.
- Known as “stones,” formed and grown in the urinary tract: kidney, ureter, and bladder. Symptoms are usually abdominal pain, back pain, or bouts of pain between the ribs and hips.
Genitourinary syndrome of menopause
- The decrease in estrogen affects the structure, function, elasticity, and lubrication of the vagina and vulva. Symptoms include vaginal dryness, pain after intercourse, burning, itching, and urinary and vaginal infections.